
Sunday, December 21, 2014


Tree Huggers...10...5,4,3,2,1 GO! The racing has begun! Eric Hayes is a memorial race hosted by Park City every year. However, mother nature hasn't been helping any with the warm weather and NO SNOW! Anyway, the race has been moved to Jackson Hole for the series...unfortunate, but on the other hand the trams open!!! I'm going to focus this trip on racing, but maybe some powder skis next time ;). As you may know, I am fifteen now and really looking forward to driving. But if you haven't noticed there's no time for that. Working on getting my permit soon, but who knows how long that'll take. Since we have a week off of training and a couple weeks off school I'll be catching up on a bunch of work. I haven't exactly finished my geography yet..shhhh.

So, imagine this with everything white... PC:
This series started with two days of GS, Giant Slalom, then two days of SL, slalom.  The first day the weather was pretty cold just some cooler temperatures. I was surprised how much my skiing had changed since we had only been in the gates once....that's not the best preparation.  But that wasn't something to focus on.  You have to control the controllable's, and just go with the rest. Next, more racers came and the points were even lower the second day, but I didn't ski as well. The third day, the conditions became awful. The visibility and perception changed dramatically.  I had an amazing first run, but skied out second run. Today the rain came in, we raced, and drove home. The best memories were made driving home in our rented two wheeled drive minivan (do not try at home). Driving through below freezing snow and rain up and down the mountains and detouring around. The was a wrap for our amazing trip.

This first video is of Mikeala Shiffrin racing Giant Slalom.

The second video is of Mikeala Shiffrin racing Slalom.

Skiing has always been my passion, and now we can add to that. My passion includes everything that comes with skiing: racing, moguls, terrain parks, powder, and everything else.  Ski racing is 95% physical and 5% mental, but can grow to become 50% physical and 50% mental.  Think of it this way.  If you couldn't do it physically, you can't do it. Therefore, you have to have the physical to even worry about the mental aspect. So, I have the physical and usually the mental.  My skiing is really coming together. Eric Hayes has been just the beginning of a new me. 


Thursday, December 11, 2014

Listen Feel Listen

Hello Tree Hugger's! The season has started, but I wouldn't say it's in full swing. Eric Hayes, a memorial race, held on my home hill has been moved to Jackson Hole, Wyoming. Mother Nature hasn't been bringing us the snow needed to hold some training on home turf. Therefore, going into the race next week is going to be an eye opener. I'm skis, new radius, different venue, no gate am I going to pull this one off? Keeping my mind in the right place even if things don't work out will be important. Luck won't cut it, just approaching it just alike you've been in the flow for a while. There's some nerve coming into racer ready...10...5...4...3...2...1 Go! This will be a completely different situation than ever before. It's time to make the best of it; take advantage of scared and complaining teammates.  Put everything out there, and tree's will always be there.  Something that doesn't make a sound unless someone is there to listen.

Changes have been made and my skiing is completely different. Being able to work with some of the same coaches, but also different perspectives has been game changing. New topics have arisen and been THE FOCUS. I've been working on a narrower stance and flexion. Let me explain, through my exploration during the 2 weeks of free skiing I have gotten a better understanding of EVERYTHING! Through drills incorporating stance I have learned having to big of a stance will only allow so much angulation, and too narrow same thing. Keeping my stance narrower will allow better positioning for flexion and movement. Along with easier and full angulation. That is if I keep from dropping my hip into the turn and pressure too quickly. To do this I need to become more square and trusting the ski. My 185 FIS GS with a 27 meter radius skis are all about feel. Listening to the ski, and you'll know whether your doing something correct or wrong immediately. There's very little forgiveness.
Teammates are always there, just like trees! PC: PCMR
I have come to realization. The better your understanding of skiing the better you can assess yourself.  Your best coach will always be you. Someone can tell you everything it looks like you need to fix, but they will never feel for you. Watching teammates and assessing them will help you understand better, and they may be a good example for something that you are currently working on. Let's say someone has the same focus, and they are able to get it.  You could always watch and ask how they were able to achieve the same thing. "Ski racing: 3% talent, 4% environment, 34% passion, 59% effort." -SMS It has been an amazing few weeks, the skiings been productive, the snow has been cooperative, but I will tell you skiing the same green and blue 4 runs gets old quickly.  PRAY FOR SNOW!


Monday, November 24, 2014


Sooooo... I was born on November 24th,  just a 32 weeker strong.  Skiing began ASAP.  I was in a backpack (not allowed anymore for safety reasons, oops.) My first day skiing was as a 18 month old, let's just say my parents were egger to get me on snow. I was exactly fond of of skiing, but over time it grew on me. My parents along with Diane taught me how to ski well. I had my first days at Canyons just minutes from my home.  Then as I grew I got better, and my grandfather pushed for racing when I was 5. Racing began as a J6 so I think that was when I was 5 turning 6, as the season usually starts before my birthday. I skied for Summit Ski Team for the next 6 seasons. Then moving onto Park City Ski Team where I have spent that last 3 seasons and more to come.

Ski racing starts young, and always has. Starting with just one day a week for a while and then getting a little older we start to travel with parents to other races in the YSL series (all in northern Utah.) We start skiing weekends which soon moves into 3 days a week, then four.  This is when you start racing in South Series.  Then merging into the Intermountain Division which is when training has grown to 6 days a week.  As a second year U16 now I will be moving into the Western Regionals and then JO's for championships this season.  The events and skis have grown with us, and of course everything is more competitive.  Skiing with friends and family is nearly impossible.  Plan on having your life revolve around skiing including school.  It can be overwhelming, but it's the life I have chosen.  There has always been a way out, and for me I just want to ski through high school and then move on in life. I couldn't imagine anything different.

Photobomb! Thanks to Sam! PC: Mary McCulloch
It's my BIRTHDAY! No, I do not feel any different! It's just one day after yesterday.  I could get my permit now, but I'll wait until I have room in skiing, school, and online classes.  I couldn't spend it skiing, but I got to pet penguins and my family planned a amazing private event for me in St. Louis.  Probably the best birthday dinner ever, and maybe birthday too! I got some incredible gifts and spent it with some of my favorite people.  Since, my parents have been divorced I get another birthday tomorrow when I fly to Chicago.  I'll celebrate again! My grandmother has had dementia for a long time, and is on her final years. Turning 89 this december. It would be incredible if she could recognize me.  I have grown a lot since she has been diagnosed.  She remembers me as an 8 year old.  To be recognized would be the BEST PRESENT EVER!  It'll be hard to see her suffering, and knowing there's lots of secrets in the family.  But she'll be so glad to see me every time her memory resets. It's one of the best times of the year.


Friday, November 21, 2014

Season of a Lifetime!

Hey tree huggers! As we are getting closer to ski season we have received our communication coaches.  It was the first time my mom has really stood up for what's best for me.  I have never had a mother who was really proactive in getting what's in my best interests done.  She had to get her hard hat on and push for what we want.  The divorce has been difficult and really took her off the map.  Always chauffeuring me around, but her life can't be completely surrounded by my needs.  She needs to be able to say NO! She has made a change in coaching that will benefit me.  Time to prepare for the season of a LIFETIME!

Season Preparation began with goal setting which gives an overlook for where we want to go during the season.  Do I want to be in the Olympics?  Of course, but is that really realistic?  No!  You want to set goals that you can reach.  Having success gives success in the future!  We are tapering dryland and starting to really prepare for the on snow season.  My Rossi skis are here and ready...we just forgot the lifters so that'll be a last minutes adjustment.  Rossignol has always made incredible skis.  The best feeling is being able to know your skis WILL make that radius you need.  Not having to worry about your skis being able to make that "next gate" is a game changer.  Locker move in is tomorrow and I'm being moved up to locker 14 in the team room! EXCITING!

Forget about the positioning and look at the CUTENESS! 
Life Update! So while I'm away, in St. Louis and then moving on to Chicago, Park City Mountain Resort will open. No matter what the conditions are skiing will be a challenge.  Let's think about what it looks like in New York City in all the traffic.  Imagine having to squeeze your way through all those cars on a motor cycle.  So, that's why I'm not too disappointed to miss opening week.  I will be spending time with those old people, and I guess, some young, that I've never met.  Then I will spend Thanksgiving with my Dad's family.  Can't wait to get back to our supposably "Best Snow on Earth?"


Wednesday, October 22, 2014


Hello Tree Huggers!  As you probably know from experience, being the buffer in Drama is the worst.  I'm not someone who's going to tell your secrets, and spread all the rumors. But when it comes to needing someone on common ground to work everything out, it's me.  Last year, one of my good friends, Max Askmo, was my other half to problem solving.  However, he wasn't enjoying skiing anymore.  This season will be a chance to start over for all of us.  We've become the new "second years," and new "first years" have moved up the system.

2013 Gobblin Valley Camping Trip! Creds: Tina Nardi
Being Last season, we joined the team at the first ski camp.  It was in Mt. Bachelor, Oregon.  A beautiful mountain with a surprising amount of the snow so late in the season.  It was a really great trip with about 8 days on snow and one day off for rafting.  This was our first time really being on the "B Team," which is now the U16 Team.  Everyone seemed so mature and just got the hang of everything well.  Let's just say, us 99's, well, we don't follow in the path of our older teammates.  We are unique, and I'm sure no one will follow in our paths.

2014 Mt. Hood; After I ripped my pants under the waterfall :)
This season, our drama is out and our bond has taken over.  The first few years on the team there really isn't a spot in our circle, but we try to be nice.  It was hard coming into a team where the only people I knew were my lacrosse teammates.  As a U14 I had a good year, but didn't really become friends with the 99's.  Coming into last season everything had changed after Bachelor.  Some bonding and groups formed but mostly the drama had begun.  We are stronger than ever without our little clicks inside the circle.  Everyone who can be independent and take control over their experience will find their way through; just as I did.  We are starting strong.  There may be shifts to come but for the time being we are a hella good team.  Salsa is just the start of it all.

Testing at COE! Creds: Julia Chahine
It's time for an update!!!  Dryland has been going well.  We had our official testing at the Center to Excellence.  I was really nervous about testing, but it showed really good improvements on most tests.  Starting in June has really payed off.  We are a month away, exactly, before the resort opens.  Just add two more days after that and you get my BIRTHDAY!  I'm leaving for Copper in a week, and I got my skis today!  It's time to get the SKI on.  Still trying to think of a costume for Halloween.  Dryland has been getting hard and it's crunch time.  We've been building our power, and it should be great to see how my hard work will pay off on snow.  Things can change and I'm stoked!


Sunday, October 19, 2014

"Dang, their all tree huggers!"

How are my fellow tree huggers?  Maybe you should give it a try sometime.  Having a home away from home with my second family is indescribable.  Remember the moment when you just needed to be left alone?  Well, we know each other better than ourselves.  There's even those moments when you think you need someone, but truly you need yourself and that tree.  My teammates know when to just mind their own business, and continue their daily routine.

Last year I had a break through with my teammates, but not the coaches.  One of my coaches fell off the side of the Earth last year.  One of my coaches wasn't even paying enough attention to realize that my parents were divorced.  I did't get the results I wanted last year, and I was fighting myself mentally.  I took almost 1.5 months off snow because of an injury.  I wasn't able to get the same improvements in my comeback to return to where I was before the injury.  My teammates were always there when they we needed.  They went skiing with me when I was on crutches.  I went one ski skiing to keep my skis under my feet.

It may seem as if we are just each others support systems, but we are best friends.  We have memories  upon memories and inside jokes only between us.  Many of the people on our team still don't understand some of our simplest jokes.  Having inside jokes between us has allowed us to bond even closer and become just alike sisters.  We know each other better than we know ourselves.  We don't only spend time together skiing but also in school and other sports.  We are sisters and when the ages shift we can make changes to all our relationships and make them stronger.

Sicily and I in Moab, Utah
This past weekend, one of my friends and I went to Moab together.  We have been teammates for a long time and have become best friends.  Sicily and I went zip lining, mountain biking, and cliff jumping this weekend in Moab.  It has been an incredible weekend, and I was able to do more than I thought I would.  She has been teaching me how to mountain bike with the team here in Park City, but she has made me more confortable.  It was really fun to spend the weekend with a great friend, and one of my fellow tree hugger's.


Friday, October 10, 2014

Escaping Life

I'm just one of the average kids with average problems.  Everyone approaches challenges and changes differently.  Some have been less fortunate than others.  For me, the past few years have been the hardest.  I escaped from my personal life into a world of snowflakes, trees, and chairlifts.  Tree hugging has become a definite passion.  They give off a warmth, and pure silence.  Sometimes it's the only thing needed.

I keep EVERYTHING to myself.  You know those people who are all over the place, well I'm the complete opposite.  I've been trying to figure out better communication of feelings and thoughts.  I have a crystal clear memory of one cold night training down Payday at Park City Mountain Resort.  It was our first SL, slalom, training of the season.  The pace was set and our goal was to get a time.  I tried and tried over and over, but never got a time during our session.  I wasn't ready to quit, went and hugged a tree, and asked to run the U14s course.  It was the run of a lifetime.  All I could think was "I hugged a tree," and it made all the difference in the world.

Photo Credits: Glenn Weinrich

 Photo Credits: Aaron Lyles

Tree's are just living organisms, and who knows if anything makes a sound if no ones there to hear it. For some reason, I've always had a connection and safely with tree's.  They don't help you change the way your skiing, but the thoughts running through your brain.  I've always loved the thought of the unknown, and never knowing what's going to happen.  The adrenaline rush has always pushes me further.  I've created a goal to become a better overall skier; not only in racing, but off piect and in the terrain park.  Skiing is an escape from anything and everything except skiing.  Now, if your looking for a real escape try hugging a tree.


Friday, September 12, 2014

Excuses Lead to Nothingness!

Team Stand Up Paddle Boarding at the Jordanelle                           
As summer began so did dryland.  It was time to push my limits off snow.  I started the year off with physical testing.  Results showed different areas to focus on.  It has been really important that I  separate my mind and ability.  Dryland began with only our core 99's family.  Having the best competition with me and around me all the time has been an encouragement.  Being able to have the same common goal within your team creates a competitive environment. This year the standards have risen, it's the last year as a U16.

The Park City Ski Team conditioning has been a place of pushing limits, not only physical but mental.  I would much rather be spending time on SNOW, but the gym, field, and aerobic days are worth it.  The biggest challenge has been getting past my thoughts, and what I think is enough.  I need to be pushing myself to the LIMIT.  This all began when mountain biking was forced upon me. Learning has been an experience that has changed my perspective of limits. Just because you don't want to do it However, going through different stages of training helps build a base to build on.  Previously, I haven't taken dryland seriously.

As dryland is continuing, I have been able to avoid all the excuses and push through.  Nothing has been easy.  Its been a long journey getting through one challenge after another.  Injuries have been one big set back in my skiing and training.  We have all been faced by different challenges, and every one has brought me back stronger.  Now, injury free, I have been able to start figuring everything out. The stars are the limit, and figuring out yourself allows expansion in limits.  Every challenge that I have had placed upon me has given me a new perspective going into the last few months before SKIING!  I'm really looking forward to our team bonding trips in October. It's time to be stronger than ever before.